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Preventing falls in the construction industry

On Behalf of | Aug 25, 2020 | Workers' Compensation |

The construction industry sees a significant number of on-the-job falls. Nationwide looked at 10,000 workers’ compensation claims that arose from construction companies between 2014 and 2018 and found that more than 30% were fall-related. Perhaps you were injured on the job here in Morristown, New Jersey. If so, you’re likely entitled to compensation, but the process of filing a claim should not be taken lightly.

The effect of construction falls

Falls can lead to some of the most severe injuries; workers may hurt multiple parts of their body and be left with a temporary or permanent disability. Construction companies, for their part, may see a decrease in productivity as an injured worker must take an extended time off work. Claims can be costly for these companies, too.

What construction employers can do

There’s a reason why OSHA holds a nationwide Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction every year. Employers should not simply give employees a set of rules and leave them on their own. During a stand-down, both can come together to talk about safety, hazards that have not been addressed and so on. In the end, a more safety-oriented culture could be encouraged on the construction site.

Employers must do more, though, according to safety advocates. There should be specific rules on the inspecting and use of mobile scaffolding, scissor lifts and other elevated work platforms. Workers must have all the right protective gear, and they should be able to use a rope and pulley system, or block and tackle pulley system, for lifting materials up.

Focusing on ladder safety as well

Many workers will fall not from scaffolding but from ladders. Employers should tell workers to opt for podium stepladders whenever possible since A-frame ladders are dangerous. A written policy or plan could give other safe alternatives.

A lawyer to handle your claim

So the time has come for a workers’ compensation claim, but you may be wondering if the employer will deny payment. Employers can do this if there is a concern that the injuries are not work-related or that victims were injured through their own negligence. With a lawyer, filing may go a lot more smoothly.



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