Laufer, Dalena, Jensen & Doran, LLC

Call for a consultation: 973-975-4043

A Commitment To Excellence

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Accomplished Morristown Lawyers

Laufer, Dalena, Jensen & Doran, LLC, is one of the most established family law firms in northern New Jersey and has experience handling family law and divorce issues using effective methods like collaborative divorce, mediation and arbitration. We also practice in numerous other areas:

  • Personal injury
  • Workers’ compensation
  • Real estate transactions
  • Municipal court matters
  • Guardianships
  • General litigation
  • Criminal defense

We successfully advocate for our clients’ best interests. Each of our attorneys brings a unique and individualized style to each case we accept.

Learn more about our attorneys:

Complex Divorce And Family Law

We serve a full range of clients, and our versatility is particularly valuable in tackling complex divorce cases, especially ones involving complicated financial assets and investments.

We have a proven track record when it comes to untangling complex marital finances — accurately evaluating real estate properties, privately owned businesses and partnerships, investments such as stocks and retirement benefits, and high-value collectibles and jewelry — and then subsequently ensuring that our clients receive the most favorable property settlement agreement while remaining equitable in the eyes of the law.

Cost-Saving, Holistic Alternatives To Family Court

We also have extensive training and experience when it comes to alternative dispute resolution (ADR), which refers to techniques like mediation, arbitration and collaboration.

Just because you and your spouse cannot immediately agree to every last issue of your divorce does not mean you should not consider ADR. Our trained mediators help you express your needs and interests to your spouse in a less contentious and more private environment than a public court of law.

Collaborative divorce is another method of obtaining a resolution to your divorce that avoids the strains of traditional divorce. It is a way for divorcing couples to creatively resolve necessary issues in a lower-conflict environment.

Post-Divorce Enforcement And Modification Actions

Signing a divorce settlement does not always mean that your spouse will live up to his or her end of the bargain or that changing circumstances cannot allow for modifications to your divorce settlement. With our help, you can successfully petition the courts to help you enforce or modify child support, spousal support and parenting time agreements when necessary.

Legal Assistance After A Serious Bodily Injury

If you or a loved one has been injured because of the reckless or negligent actions of another person or party, you have the legal right to seek monetary compensation for your injuries, lost income, and pain and suffering. We are ready to defend your rights against large insurance companies, present an effective and compelling case in court, and make sure you receive the compensation you need and deserve.

We take all personal injury cases on contingency, meaning that we are prepared to cover all of the expenses associated with your personal injury case, and we take reimbursement for those expenses only when we win your case.

Standing Up For Injured North Jersey Workers

All New Jersey employers are required by law to provide safe working environments and conditions for their employees, and when they fail to do so and you are injured as a result, you deserve compensation.

Our attorneys can help you navigate the complexities and pitfalls of workers’ compensation and help you to successfully resolve your claim.

Commercial And Residential Real Estate

When you are buying or selling a home or commercial property, it is important that you protect your interests and financial future by retaining experienced real estate counsel.

We can guide you through the entire process of buying or selling a property, from helping you draft and review all of the necessary contracts to ensuring that the proper inspections are performed and that your decision is still sound based on their results to making sure that property can be altered or used in the manner you desire it to be.

Criminal Defense

Criminal charges in New Jersey are serious, and as such, require serious legal representation. Do not risk your future on a public defender. Let our experienced criminal defense attorneys aggressively defend your rights in a court of law.

Contact Laufer, Dalena, Jensen & Doran, LLC, Today

Whatever legal issue you are facing, it is always important that your rights and interests are well-represented by experienced attorneys. Our team features many attorneys repeatedly selected for inclusion on the New Jersey Super Lawyers list as it relates to family law.

We are one of the most recognized and established names in northern New Jersey and have a proven track record of success for our clients across all areas of the law.

To speak to an attorney, please contact us online or through our Morristown office at 973-975-4043.