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Can you foster or adopt in New Jersey?

On Behalf of | Nov 21, 2019 | Family Law |

Adoption is one way to grow your family and help you feel complete as a parent. If you and your spouse, or if you on your own, would like to adopt, it is a complex process. You may have many questions and concerns, which is why it’s advisable to work with someone familiar with the state laws.

Many people choose to foster before they adopt, which is one of the faster ways to have a child placed in your home. If you would like to foster a child, remember that there will be a process to go through first. A home study may be ordered, and you may have to go through a background check, pre-service training and several interviews. Any household members will also need to be interviewed, and you may need to provide references from child-care providers, your employer and others.

Who can foster a child in New Jersey?

To foster or adopt in New Jersey, you will need to be at least 18 years old and live in a house or an apartment. You don’t need to have children to adopt or foster, and if you have children, that’s fine, too. You can be married, single, in a civil union or in a domestic partnership.

With foster care or adoption, the state offers support services such as health insurance for your child, a monthly stipend and child-care services. With the supports offered, along with the care you provide, it’s believed that a great situation can be created for any foster or adopted child in New Jersey.



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