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Take steps to help your kids through a divorce move

On Behalf of | Aug 9, 2019 | Family Law |

Your family is important to you, which is why it’s no surprise that you want to make sure your children cope well with divorce. You and your spouse argue about many things, but one thing you can agree on is that your children have to come first. Their health and safety is important to you, and you don’t want to see them suffering as a result of your actions.

To make the transition easier on them, you want to move out of the home and set up your apartment ahead of time. Then, when they are in your custody, they’ll have somewhere to live comfortably. To do this, you will need to have your kids stay with their other parent for at least a week. That’s no problem for you, but since your children are young, it’s something you’re not sure about.

How can you address the short time when you can’t see your kids in person?

The good news is that you’re both in this situation together, so you’re able to discuss the best way to keep an eye on your kids while you’re moving. Since you both think that having your kids stay with your spouse is the best choice, you should sit down together with your children and explain that you will be moving to a new home and will have them come to it in a week (or when it is ready). Until then, you have a few options including:

  • Visiting your children in a public place
  • Visiting at the other parent’s home
  • Using virtual visitation to talk over the phone or via video call

Each of these could be a good solution, so think the situation through and then talk with your kids about what they should expect during the divorce.



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