One of the best ways to resolve a divorce dispute between two reasonable adults is through divorce alternative dispute resolution. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) tactics are fantastic for people who are willing to work together but may be having some trouble coming up with reasonable solutions to their disputes.
While many people think that alternative dispute resolution is for conflicts over property or fault, the reality is that you can go to ADR to talk about visitation and custody agreements, arrangements for your pets, property division, prenuptial or postnuptial agreement disagreements and more. The benefit is that you can work out your problems in a safe, less-formal environment instead of heading to trial.
Why choose ADR over trial?
The two main reasons people choose ADR include time and money. It takes a lot of time and costs a lot to pay an attorney to build a case for you and to argue on your behalf at trial. It also costs a lot in court fees. Alternative dispute resolution can be much less expensive, which is one appealing aspect. Another benefit is that it’s not so formal, and you’ll likely be able to arrange the time when you can meet instead of having to meet when the court assigns a court date.
Did you know that anything you do in a trial may become public record? That’s another reason for ADR. If you don’t want your personal information leaked out where the public can see it, then settling outside court may be the right option. Your attorney can talk to you more about what the right choice is for your situation.