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Rush hour and Daylight Saving Time create dangerous drives

On Behalf of | Nov 19, 2021 | Personal Injury |

Now that the time change has occurred, it’s a good time to talk about the evening rush hour and how to stay safer when it’s dark out during your drive. The days are shorter, so more people are getting out of work to find the sun setting or that it’s already pitch black outside.

Every time Daylight Saving Time ends, people suddenly find themselves in different driving arrangements than before. They may start to use high-beam headlights or drive routes with better lighting to get where they’re going. This can lead to congested highways and roadways, especially during rush hour.

During Daylight Saving Time, you can stay safer by:

  • Having annual vision exams to check your night vision
  • Minimizing distractions
  • Limiting driving to daylight hours if you’re uncomfortable with nighttime driving

On the road, remember to:

  • Dim down your dashboard to see better
  • Use anti-reflective glasses to avoid streaks and starbursts
  • Aim your headlights onto the road to see better
  • Slow down

You can combine these tips with safety tips for rush-hour driving, too, such as:

  • Staying in your lane whenever possible
  • Using a GPS system or map, so that you stay on your route even when it’s hard to see
  • Slowing down and giving yourself more space around other drivers

The combination of night driving with rush-hour traffic can make it dangerous to get from work to home or any other location you’re heading to, but with good preparation, you can get there safely. Be aware of your surroundings and remember that slowing down and being alert will help you reduce the risk of being involved in a crash.

The evening rush, when combined with darkness, becomes more dangerous, so if you’re not comfortable driving, consider carpooling or asking a cab to pick you up. Other options, like taking a train or bus, might also help during these dark fall and winter months.

Traffic congestion is probably never going away, and there’s not much you can do about the time of day when you need to drive. Do your best to stay aware and follow the traffic laws, so you can avoid a traffic accident.



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