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Do holidays really cause a spike in divorce rates?

On Behalf of | Feb 9, 2021 | Divorce, Family Law |

When most couples in New Jersey think about the holidays, they imagine spending time with family and friends and enjoying certain traditions together. For some couples, though, the holidays can bring an array of stressful or negative emotions. In fact, holidays and special events may cause a rise in divorce cases. The following are a few reasons why holidays like Christmas, New Year’s and Valentine’s Day may lead to divorce.

Some couples may be holding out for a miracle

Why do divorces tend to increase after major holidays? Some holidays represent hope and new beginnings, so it’s not uncommon for couples who have been thinking about separating or divorcing to wait to discuss the subject with their partners out of hope that things will change. Many couples feel that the magic of the season may rekindle their love for one another. If that doesn’t happen, they may decide to file for divorce after all.

The holidays may be more stressful

Family law attorneys are familiar with how many divorces happen after the holidays due to an increase in stress. The holidays require extra planning, such as:

  • Coordinating schedules
  • Booking flights
  • Taking time off work

These issues can cause a tremendous amount of pressure for couples, especially if kids are involved. Stress can cause problems that can make it difficult for people to continue in their marriage.

Holidays pressures can cause issues

Marriage is hard work, and some people can’t handle the extra strain and pressure that holidays tend to cause. If kids are a factor, couples have to agree to which family they’ll spend time with, which can cause major arguments.

Unfortunately, some marriages aren’t successful. If you’re already experiencing difficulties in your marriage, a holiday could cause the final breaking point. Although it can be a hard decision to make, it might be a good idea to use the extra time you have during a holiday to re-evaluate your relationship and priorities and then talk to an attorney about your options. Doing so could set you up for a brighter future.



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